Warsaw-Kalisz Railway. 1902.

Kalisz 2025-03-12

The Warsaw-Kalisz Railway. 1902.

EP07-1013. 2012. Photo Karol Placha Hetman
Warsaw – Kalisz Railway. 1945. Work Karol Placha Hetman

There were two wars in the 19th century, the aftermath of which was the effect of building such and not other railway lines in Central Europe. The first war took place in the period 1853-1856, and is called the Crimean War. Its main goal was to stop the Muscovite state in aggressive actions, save the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) and destroy the Muscovite fleet in the Black Sea. The Muscovite state lost the war as a result of a clash with efficient and well-equipped armies of Western countries and as a result of internal corruption and theft in the Tsarist civil and military administration.

The second war was the Franco-Prussian War, which took place from July 19, 1870, to May 10, 1871. France intended to prevent the Prussians from gaining influence in Spain and, as a result, surrounding France. The Germanic victory over France changed the course of European history. The Germanic forces were more numerous, better trained, and made more effective use of modern technology, especially railways and artillery. As a result, France had to pay large contributions and suffered territorial losses to the Germans.

As a result of these wars, the agreements of the Congress of Vienna (1815) were a fiasco and confirmed that a united Europe was a fiction.

The Warsaw-Kalisz Railway was the first in the Kingdom of Poland, i.e. in the Moscow Partition, to lead westward, directly towards the Prussians. The line was put into operation only in 1902, i.e. 54 years after the construction of the Warsaw-Vienna Railway. The line was built on the initiative of the Warsaw-Vienna Railway Joint-Stock Company. Under pressure from the Muscovites, the line was built on the Moscow gauge, i.e. 1524 mm. The Warsaw-Kalisz Railway (Варшавско-Калишская железная дорога) is a line that connects Warsaw with Kalisz. Construction lasted from 1900 to 1902. The line was launched on November 15, 1902.

The project of creating a line was put forward since the beginning of the 1850s. As you can easily guess, it was constantly met with refusal from the Muscovites. This is an empire of poverty, backwardness and illiteracy; the railway was treated as one of the weapons of struggle, not development and prosperity. Economic arguments were considered secondary. It is so to this day. The creation of the Warsaw-Bydgoszcz Railway in 1862 is due to the activities of merchants and manufacturers, mainly Polish and Germanic.

In 1862, the Prussian Railway Construction Committee was established, with the intention of building a railway line from Wrocław to Warsaw. The railway was to run along the route; Wrocław – Kobylin – Krotoszyn – Ostrów – the border between the brothers – Kalisz – Opatówek – Sieradz – Zduńska Wola – Pabianice – Łódź – to connect with the Warsaw-Vienna Railway. An appropriate letter was sent to the Muscovites, but the request went to waste.

In 1865, the banker, the king of railways in the Kingdom of Poland, Jan Gottlieb Bloch, obtained permission from the governor of the Kingdom of Poland, Count Teodor Berg, to conduct preliminary studies to run a railway from Warsaw to the west. The target cities were; Wrocław or Poznań. But the lines were to end at the state border. However, the Moscow authorities did not agree to build a railway line to the border.

Germanic manufacturers and merchants began to apply for the construction of new lines. The governor Teodor Berg promised to present the matter to the Tsar and in September 1868, he sent a relevant letter to the Ministry of Communications in St. Petersburg. At the same time, the Germans themselves were already sending letters to their Muscovite brothers in St. Petersburg. In these letters, they assured of the Prussian government’s support for the projects. There was no effect. Interestingly, Prussian citizens themselves were beginning to have doubts about the Muscovites’ intentions. International tensions were already growing in Europe. The Muscovites also rejected requests submitted in subsequent years. Although in November 1878, the Tsar issued preliminary consent for the construction of the Łódź-Kalisz line. The Tsarist Committee of Ministers blocked this proposal. In 1879, the Ministry of Communications commissioned the preparation of a project for the route of the route from Łódź to Kalisz with a branch to Wieruszów (then Podzamcze) and the preparation of a cost estimate. Ultimately, the Minister of Communications did not approve the cost estimate. In 1881, the Prussian authorities requested the construction of a short line from Skalmierzyce (in Prussia) to Kalisz (in the Kingdom of Poland) at their own expense. The Muscovites did not respond to this proposal. It should be noted that Kalisz was already a large military garrison at that time. In addition, it was assessed that the use of the line by private entities for a period of 50 years was definitely too long. A maximum period of 30 years was postulated. It would be best to build the line from state funds, but the Tsar’s treasury was empty.

In 1898, the Ministry of Communication received two more requests for the construction of the Łódź-Kalisz line, this time from the Muscovites. The first was submitted by the Moscow Department of Commerce K.G. Schen, and the second by Lieutenant Colonel of the General Staff Tizenhauzen. After a few weeks, both entities submitted a joint application, which was now more detailed. It was proposed to rebuild the Warsaw junction to a wide gauge, build a branch to Koluszki, and run a new Warsaw-Kalisz line. A similar application was submitted by the Board of the Ivangorod-Dąbrowa Railway Company. The letters began to circulate faster. It was decided to check whether the Warsaw-Vienna Railway Company could undertake the construction of such a line. On March 8, 1898, an extraordinary meeting of the shareholders of the Warsaw-Vienna Railway Company was held. It was decided that the Society would apply for a concession to build and operate a line from Warsaw to Kalisz, with a link to the Prussian border. In July 1898, an application was submitted for fieldwork. As it turned out, similar research was to be carried out by Lieutenant Colonel of the General Staff Tizenhauzen.

By the regulation of 24 July 1898, the Tsar allowed studies to be carried out and preliminary technical designs to be developed, with the proviso that they should take into account two possible routes of the line. The first route: Kalisz – Sieradz – Łask – Łódź – Łowicz – Sochaczew – Błonie – Warsaw. The second route: Kalisz – Łęczyca – Pniewo – Sochaczew – Błonie – Warsaw.

The Tsar established that the takeover of the railway lines would take place after a maximum of 30 years and the line was to be already depreciated. These conditions were difficult and could only be met by the Warsaw-Vienna Railway Society. On November 28, 1898, the Railway Committee in St. Petersburg approved a concession for the construction of the line and in a gauge of 1524 mm. In addition, the transport capacity of military transports was to be according to the standards adopted on the Moscow Railways. Military transports had priority over the transport of goods and passengers. The tsarist authorities reserved supervision over the construction of the line and control of the work. The above conditions were recorded in the tsar’s decree of April 14, 1900, which confirmed the concession for construction.

The construction of a 1524 mm wide line was no problem for the Warsaw-Vienna Railway Company. The problem was the lack of rolling stock. Supervision of the construction of the line was entrusted to the Russian engineer Lipin. They also wanted to impose a chief construction engineer, to which the Society strongly protested. Ultimately, a rotten compromise was reached. The construction manager was the Muscovite engineer B.N. Kazin, and his deputy was the Society’s candidate engineer Józef Prüffer.

At that time, the Warsaw-Vienna Railway Company office was located in Warsaw at the Evangelical Square (currently Małachowski Square). It was headed by Baron Leopold Kronenberg Jr.

The line was marked out through: Warsaw – Łódź – Kalisz – Skalmierzyce. Length 247 versts. A verst is an old Russian unit of length, equal to 1066.79 meters, in force since 1835.

Unexpectedly, the Germans refused a direct connection with the Prussian railways, the route was shortened to Kalisz. That is, the length was 236 versts. The total length of the tracks was to be 324 versts. The principle was adopted that the line was to pass without collision over other tracks and roads. It was also calculated that embankments would be on the length of 80% of the route. The aim was to guarantee unhindered transport of echelons. In reality, embankments were built on the length of about 20% of the line and many road crossings were built at the level of the tracks. In total, 174 bridges and culverts, 17 crossings and viaducts, one tunnel and 11 railway stations were built on the distance Warsaw – Kalisz. The Warsaw-Kalisz Railway Line crossed 3 governorates and 9 counties. The planned construction cost was 19,450,542 rubles. In reality, the construction cost 21,931,600 rubles. The increase in costs was associated with the purchase of land, where corruption was rampant, and most of the money went to the commissioners. New technical solutions, steel rails, new rail fastenings to the sleepers were used during the construction. For the first time, 15 m long rails weighing 480 kg were used. For the first time, double sleepers and rail fastening elements two sleepers wide were laid under the rail joints. Most of the solutions were developed by engineer Aleksander Wasiutyński.

For almost 50 years, there had been a Tsarist regulation that allowed land to be taken from owners for the construction of railway lines. It prohibited landowners from objecting to the acquisition of land for the construction of railways. Sometimes even without compensation. Corruption was rampant. Commissioners-agents were appointed to take over land. Acts of land acquisition were written on ordinary heraldic paper, without paying mandatory fees. Even land that was pledged to credit institutions was taken over. The reports did not show any conflicts during the redemption, because all matters were settled by request, threat and bribe. The applicable fee schedules were interpreted at the discretion of the commissioner-agent. According to the reports, compensation for the enfranchised lands was relatively high, but most of the money went into the private pockets of the commissioners-agents. The wronged peasants were unable to defend their interests in the Tsarist institutions. The defrauded peasants often hired themselves to work on the construction of railways. However, a lot of land was also taken over on the basis of an agreement and for a fee.

Workers were assigned to units called “Artele” (артель). There was no set number of workers in a given unit. The unit was headed by the organizer of works, who had under him the starostas of the artals, and they managed the workers. In the event of a worker’s illness, 40 silver kopecks were deducted from his salary daily (30 for food and 10 for medicine). In the event of a worker’s death, his debt was paid by the entire artel. Collective responsibility was in force. Workers lived in barracks without sanitary facilities, which is why smallpox, cholera, plague and other diseases were widespread. The mortality rate was high. A day’s work lasted more than 12 hours. Sunday was a day off from work

The Warsaw-Kalisz Railway Route: Warszawa Kaliska – Błonie – Sochaczew – Łowicz Kaliski – Głowno – Stryków – Zgierz – Łódź Kaliska – Pabianice – Łask – Zduńska Wola – Sieradz – Błaszki – Opatówek – Kalisz.

A cross-border section of tracks with a standard gauge of 1435 mm was built at the western border of the Kingdom of Poland, which connected Kalisz and Skalmierzyce (currently Nowe Skalmierzyce). On the Prussian side, to shorten the Wrocław-Kalisz connection, the Oleśnica-Odolanów-Ostrów Wielkopolski line was built.

Eleven railway stations were built on the line. The stations in Warsaw, Łódź and Kalisz were built according to individual designs. The Warszawa Kaliska station, architect Józef Huss, put into operation in 1902, was demolished in 1915 and not rebuilt. The Łódź Kaliska station, architect Czesław Domaniewski, put into operation in 1902, demolished in 1982. The Kalisz station, architect Czesław Domaniewski, put into operation in 1905, demolished in 1914 and rebuilt. The remaining 8 stations were built according to one design in two variants. The stations are single-storey with large windows with a semicircular ending. The trackkeepers’ cottages were built according to one design.

Kaliska station in Warsaw.

The Kaliski station was designed by architect Józef Huss. It was located on the corner of Aleje Jerozolimskie and Żelazna Street. It was put into operation in 1902. The station was built as a single-storey brick building on an elongated rectangle. The front elevation had as many as 25 axes. There were three entrances and 25 large semicircular windows at the top. Numerous architectural ornaments and superstructures were added above the entrances. The station was covered with a gable roof. The main entrance received a cast iron roof, under which gas lanterns were placed. The track system was connected to the Circular Railway (with wide gauge tracks). At the current Warszawa Zachodnia station, the Kalisz Railway tracks passed over the Vienna Railway tracks on a viaduct. The departure from Warsaw was directed towards the city of Ożarów Mazowiecki.

In 1915, the station was destroyed by the Muscovites, while retreating from Warsaw. The station was not rebuilt.

The first train No. 1, from Warsaw to Kalisz, departed on November 15, 1902, at 8:00, consisting of seven carriages. In Zduńska Wola, another carriage was added. The journey took 10 hours. The train arrived in Kalisz at about 6:00 p.m., welcomed by about 5,000 residents and a fire brigade orchestra. Train No. 2 from Kalisz to Warsaw also left at 8:00 a.m. on the same day.

Stations on the line. 2025

Warsaw West – Warsaw Main Railway Station – Warsaw Gołąbki. The line then passes under the S8 motorway.

Ożarów Mazowiecki station was built as a passenger stop in 1902, under the name Ożarów. Elevation 101 m.

Płochodcin passenger stop (elevation 90 m) launched in 1902. The station building was brick, built in the Second Polish Republic. After the war, it was rebuilt in a different form. The line then crosses the Utrata River. Błonie Rokitno passenger stop was built on September 3, 2023. Elevation 90 m.

Błonie station launched in 1902. Elevation 90 m. Currently, there is an LCS at the station. In front of the station there is a guarded crossing along DW No. 579, Grodziska Street. Witanów passenger stop (elevation 91 m), launched on May 15, 1931. Boża Wola passenger stop (elevation 93 m), launched in May 1922. Seroki passenger stop (elevation 91 m), launched on May 31, 1959.

Teresin Niepokalanów station (elevation 90 m), launched in 1902, under the name Teresin. Piasecznica passenger stop (elevation 94 m) launched in 1929.

Sochaczew station (elevation 91 m), launched in 1902. A single-storey brick station with 7 axles, typical for the Kalisz Line, was built. In Sochaczew there are three viaducts and the line passes under DK No. 50, 92, 705. The line changes direction from west to south. The line crosses the Pisia River. Kornelin passenger stop (elevation 94 m), launched on October 2, 1955. Then there is a ride along DW No. 705. The line crosses the Sucha River. Nowa Sucha passenger stop (elevation 85 m), launched in 1902, under the name Żylin, then Leonów. The current name has been in effect since 2019. The line leaves the Mazovian Voivodeship and enters the Łódź Voivodeship. Kęszyce passenger stop launched in 1941. The line crosses the Rawka River. Jasionna Łowicka passenger stop (elevation 87 m), launched on May 18, 1952. The line turns westward.

Bednary station (elevation 89 m), launched in 1902. After some time, a two-block station was built. The upper part has two storeys. Mysłaków passenger stop (elevation 92 m), launched in 1941. Further on, the line crosses the Skierniewka River, and then the DK No. 70 crossing, Skierniewicka Street. The Łowicz railway junction begins.

Łowicz Przedmieście launched in 1902, as Łowicz Kaliski. The current name has been in force since 1951. It was the first railway station in Łowicz, built south of the city center. Currently, from this station, the line has the number No. 15. The line heads south-west. The line is single-track. Stare Grudze passenger stop, launched in 2020. Further on, the line crosses the intersection of DW No. 704. Further on, the line passes over DK No. 14. Domaniewice station launched in 1911. The station is a two-block structure. The upper part has two storeys. Domaniewice Centrum passenger stop launched on June 9, 2013. The line crosses the Kalinówka River. Kamień Łowicki passenger stop launched on October 7, 1951. Głowno Północne passenger stop launched in 2024. The line crosses the Mroga River, already in the town of Głowno.

Głowno station launched in 1902. A single-storey, 7-axle brick station typical of the Kaliska Line was built. Further on, the line slightly changes direction several times. Bartoszewice passenger stop. Further on, the line runs under the A1 motorway.

Stryków launched in 1902. A single-storey, 7-axle brick station typical of the Kaliska Line was built. Stryków is a town with several industrial plants. There are also sidings. Further on, the line crosses DW No. 708. Swędów passenger stop launched on May 4, 1947. Further on, the line runs under the A2 motorway. Glinnik passenger stop launched on March 1, 2013. Glinnik Wieś passenger stop launched on June 9, 2013. Smardzew passenger stop launched on May 15, 1948. Zgierz Rudniki passenger stop. The line crosses the Bzura River.

Zgierz launched in 1902. A single-storey, 7-axle brick station typical of the Kaliska Line was built. From the Zgierz station, the line is again double-track. The line crosses Łódzka Street viaduct. Łódź Radogoszcz Zachód passenger stop launched in 2013. The line enters the Łódź agglomeration. Łódź Żabiniec station launched on 14 July 1946. This is where the investment in railway tunnels under Łódź begins. Our line runs on the surface towards the south. The line bypassed the city of Łódź from the north and west. Łódź Kaliska launched in 1902. An impressive 3-storey brick station was built. The station was destroyed. The current station is a modern building. The station is an island. From this point, LK No. 14 Łódź Kaliska – Zasieki (western border of the country) begins. The line turns towards the west. Łódź Retkinia passenger stop launched in 2020.

Łódź Lublinek launched in 1902. The Łódź Lublinek international airport is nearby. Further on, the line crosses the Ner River. Then the line passes under DK No. 14. Pabianice Północne passenger stop launched in 2023.

Pabianice station launched in 1902. A single-story, 7-axle brick station typical of the Kalisz Line was built. Chechło passenger stop launched on May 15, 1948. Further on, the line runs under the S14 motorway. Dobroń station launched in 1920.

Column block post launched in 1902, currently a passenger stop.

Łask station launched in 1902. A single-story, 7-axle brick station typical of the Kalisz Line was built. A siding to the Łask military airport leads from the station. The line heads west. Borszewice checkpoint and cargo hold launched on April 15, 1948. Currently a passenger stop. Further on, the Zduńska Wola junction begins. Our line runs westward.

Zduńska Wola station launched in 1902. A single-story, 7-axle brick station typical of the Kaliska Line was built. Further on, the line crosses the Pichna River. Izabelów passenger stop launched in 2024. Męcka Wola passenger stop launched in 1930. Sieradz Męka passenger stop launched in 2017. Further on, the line crosses the Warta River and enters the city of Sieradz. Sieradz Warta passenger stop launched on June 1, 1975. Further on, the line passes under DK No. 83, Wojska Polskiego Street. Sieradz station launched in 1902. A single-story, 9-axle, slightly extended brick station typical of the Kaliska Line was built. There are sidings to nearby production plants here. From Sieradz, the line runs north-west. Further on, the line crosses the Myja River. Sędzice station launched in 1911. The station is a two-block structure. The upper part has two storeys. Further on, the line crosses DW No. 710.

Błaszki station opened in 1902, under the name Kociołki. The current name has been in force since 1918. A single-storey, 7-axle brick station typical of the Kalisz Line was built. The station is located 4 km from the town centre. Skalmierz, a passenger stop, opened on 27 May 1979. The line leaves the Łódź Province and enters the Wielkopolska Province. Radliczyce, a sectional post, currently a passenger stop, opened in 1907.

Opatówek station opened in 1902. A single-storey, 7-axle brick station typical of the Kalisz Line was built. In front of the station, there is a DW No. 471 railway crossing, Turkowska Street. In the second part of the station level, there is the Opatówek Narrow Gauge station, the route of which runs northwards. Further on, our line crosses the lower part of DK No. 12.

Kalisz Winiary station opened in 1902, under the name Winiary. The current name has been in force since 1977. The station was built later, as a two-block, and the upper part is two-storey.

Before Kalisz, the line crosses the Prosna River. The line changes direction several times, and in the northern part of the city of Kalisz, the line winds like a serpentine. Kalisz station opened in 1902. An impressive, brick, single-storey station was built.

Connection with Skalmierzyce.

Disputes between the brothers led to the lack of a joint connection between the Prussian railway and the Kalisz railway. The station built in Kalisz was intended to be an island station. On one side there were to be broad gauges, and on the other standard gauges. However, there was no agreement on a joint border station. Finally, on December 6, 1904, an intergovernmental agreement was signed in Berlin, under which the Kalisz line was extended to Skalmierzyce. On the other side, standard gauges, 1435 mm, were added. For Muscovites, the final station was Szczypiorno. For Germans, Skalmierzyce. The distance between the stations was 1.3 versts. The broad gauge reached Skalmierzyce, and the standard gauge reached Kalisz. Goods were reloaded at both stations. To facilitate reloading, one track was higher, and the other one was lower. Goods were reloaded from wagons on a higher track to wagons on a lower track. Two customs chambers were established for passenger traffic; the Germanic Skalmierzyce, the Moscow Kalisz. Trains with passengers from the Western side reached Kalisz, and trains from the Eastern side reached Skalmierzyce. The passage between the platforms was treated as crossing the border. There were fences, gates and customs guards. Regular traffic began on October 28, 1906. At the Skalmierzyce station, the Germans built an impressive brick station, three-storey, with elements of castle architecture. The station was to make people aware of the power of the Germans. The station exists to this day (2025). The name Nowe Skalmierzyce has been in use since 1967.

Operation of the Kalisz Railway.

The opening of the line was of great importance for the economic development of the region. It enabled better transport of agricultural and industrial goods, and also facilitated passenger travel. Muscovites bought rolling stock for the sum of 3 million rubles to operate the line. The passenger cars were four-axle with high comfort, in which there were three classes. Each car had its own heating in the form of a boiler and water heaters. Since ordinary, poor people (for example, seasonal workers) were not allowed into such cars, several covered cars were equipped with wooden benches. The freight cars were covered and open, two-axle, with a load capacity of 10-15 tons. Steam locomotives were imported from abroad, mainly from England. These were steam locomotives with a three-axle drive, fueled by hard coal.

Initially, the speed of the trains was 25-35 km/h. In 1906, the journey on the Warsaw-Kalisz line took 7 hours. In 1910, passenger locomotives were purchased, which pulled trains at a speed of 45-50 km/h, which shortened the journey to 4-4.5 hours. The fastest trains were express, night trains. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, there was information that the Muscovites intended to nationalize all railway lines in the Kingdom of Poland. The international situation was becoming increasingly difficult. The main countries of Europe were heading for war. However, the Warsaw-Vienna Railway Company believed that the Muscovites would meet the deadline of 30 years of operation of the line by the Company. On November 17, 1911, the Moscow Duma approved the government’s resolution on the immediate nationalization of the railway lines. The purchase of the Warsaw-Kalisz Railway for the amount of 32 million rubles was to take place from January 14, 1912, from the treasury of the Muscovite state, without taking out loans. In 1910, the Muscovites from the customs house in Kalisz obtained a large income of 25 million rubles. This amount was received by the sea ports in St. Petersburg and Odessa, which is why the line was very profitable.

In addition, the Russian language became mandatory on all lines in the Kingdom of Poland. As a result, Polish Railwaymen began to be dismissed from work. Their place was taken by illiterate and uneducated citizens of the Muscovite state. Some Polish specialists were transferred to low positions on the railway, with low salaries. Generally, the salaries of all employees were reduced. A decree was also issued on the gradual conversion of normal tracks to wide gauges. Work began, but it was not completed before the outbreak of the Great World War. The outbreak of the Great World War quickly made the Muscovites realize that they were not prepared for war. For a while, in December 1914, the front line stabilized, on the line of the Bzura and Rawka. The area occupied by the Germans and Austrians, caused the tracks to be converted to normal ones. When the offensive began in July 1915, the Muscovites moved east, evacuating all rolling stock and destroying the remaining infrastructure. Already in 1916, some single-track sections were expanded to double-track. Often, this was a track laid without crushed stone or gravel. This is how the lines were expanded on the Kalisz – Łódź and Bednary – Warsaw sections. Destroyed bridges were rebuilt provisionally, as wooden ones. For example, the bridge near Kalisz on the Prosna River. This bridge was normally rebuilt already in the times of the Reborn Republic of Poland in the period 1921-1922. The bridge on the Warta near Sieradz was rebuilt in the period 1922-1925. From Kalisz to Sochaczew, most of the railway stations survived. The greatest destruction of stations and railway infrastructure was from Sochaczew to Warsaw. After the Republic of Poland regained independence and the establishment of the Polish State Railways company, all railways were nationalized. The reconstruction of railway lines and infrastructure from war damage took place. The process of merging three different railway systems into one organism also began. The Warsaw-Kalisz Railway was the only connection between Wielkopolska (former Prussian partition) and Warsaw until 1922. In 1922, a new Kutno-Strzalkowo line was opened, which is 110.70 km long. In this way, the distance between Warsaw and Poznań was shortened by 86 km, compared to the route leading through Kalisz.

In the spring of 1919, the reconstruction of the station and the station building in Kalisz began. By 1928, a second track was laid along the entire length of the line, except for the Łowicz Przedmieście – Zgierz section, which is still single-track (2025).

In the following years, new investments carried out by PKP caused the Warsaw – Kalisz Railway to lose importance. Over 5,000 km of new railway lines were built during the existence of the Second Polish Republic. Let us recall that over 5,000 km of railway lines were liquidated between 1989 and 2009, i.e. 20 years. This is sad.

Less than 20 years later, the Germans and Muscovites attacked Poland again. During the defensive war, the main target was the railway infrastructure. In January 1940, the line was managed by the Germanic directorate in Poznań. Then, Głowno station became the border between the Reich (Poznań Directorate) and the General Government (Ostbahn). The entire line was adapted to work for the war, especially after 1942. The Germans launched several programs to modernize the line, but did not complete most of them. The main goal was to increase the load-bearing capacity of the tracks and extend the sidings to accommodate longer trains, 600 m. The main stations were to receive 800 m long parking tracks, and at the ends there were to be posts stating that the train had passed the last switch. The number of parking and unloading tracks was increased at the stations. In the Second Polish Republic, Polish standards were in force, which were developed on the basis of good Austro-Hungarian standards. During the Second World War, the Germans introduced their own standards. New water towers were built for increased traffic. New water towers were built in Kalisz and Sieradz. The shape signaling was gradually replaced. 

After the Soviet army entered, the entire Warsaw-Kalisz line was rebuilt into a wide one. The rebuilt was done at a rate of up to 30 km per day. The second track was dismantled, and rails, sleepers and SRK devices were produced for Moscow. The bridge over the Warta River near Sieradz was provisionally rebuilt. Already in the summer of 1945, the line was standard gauge. 

Currently, individual sections of the Warsaw-Kalisz Railway are part of the following lines: LK No. 3 section Warsaw (Warsaw Central – Warsaw West) – Łowicz. LK No. 15 section Łowicz – Łódź Kaliska. LK No. 14 section Łódź Kaliska – Ostrów Wielkopolski. Currently, the Warsaw – Kalisz route is part of important rail connections in Poland and is part of the E20 main line (Warsaw – Poznań). The line still plays an important role in passenger and freight transport.

Electrification with 3 kV DC current.

Individual sections were electrified: On 14 March 1952, Warsaw – Włochy – Błonie. On 15 March 1959, Błonie – Sochaczew. On 22 March 1961, Sochaczew – Łowicz. On 27 November 1965, Łowicz – Łódź Kaliska – Zduńska Wola. On 02 June 1973, Zduńska Wola – Sieradz. On 02.12.1975 Sieradz – Nowe Skalmierzyce – (Ostrów Wielkopolski).

Historic viaduct.

In Warsaw, near the Warszawa Zachodnia railway station, on Armatnia Street, a stone viaduct has been preserved, which was an element of the former Warsaw-Kaliska Railway. Until the outbreak of the Great World War, the broad tracks of the aforementioned line ran along the viaduct. The Great World War and Poland’s regaining of independence caused all tracks to be converted to normal ones and the section on the viaduct became unnecessary. Railway enthusiasts have the opportunity to admire one of the objects of the historic Warsaw-Kalisz Railway. Other objects are the stations at individual stations, up to and including Kalisz.

Written by Karol Placha Hetman
