Steam Locomotives

  • Steam Locomotive Ty51-15. 2024.

    Steam Locomotive Ty51-15. 2024.

    Sędziszów 2024-09-23 Steam Locomotive Ty51-15. The Ty51 steam locomotive is a Polish heavy steam locomotive designed mainly for heavy freight trains. The Ty51 was developed in the HCP factory in Poznań. The Ty51 steam locomotive was produced in the period 1953 – 1958, in the HCP factory in Poznań. The Ty51 steam locomotive was the…

  • Steam Locomotive TKt48-177. 2024

    Steam Locomotive TKt48-177. 2024

    Nowy Sącz 2024-09-04 Steam Locomotive TKt48-177. In the first half of the 20th century, tank locomotives were very popular. They were well suited for work on local lines and pulled passenger and light freight trains. They efficiently negotiated curves with a radius of only 150 m. Tank locomotives did not require turntables, because their running…

  • Steam Locomotive TKh49-5564 in Toruń. 2024.

    Steam Locomotive TKh49-5564 in Toruń. 2024.

    Toruń 2024-09-02 Steam Locomotive TKh49-5564 in Toruń. The first steam locomotive produced in Free Poland in the “First Locomotive Factory in Poland S.A.” in Chrzanów for industrial railways was a three-axle standard gauge tank locomotive. The Republic of Poland bought the technical documentation for the locomotive in Austria and a locomotive designated T1A was built…