Electric Locomotive
Electric Locomotive PESA Gama 111Ed-076. 2024.
ToruĊ 2024-09-03 Electric Locomotive PESA Gama 111Ed-076 “Wojtek”. The PESA Gama electric locomotive is a good return of Polish manufacturers to the construction of locomotives in Poland, which were designed by Polish engineers. After the difficult 90s of the 20th century, the systemic transformation (without lustration and decommunization), two large manufacturers of rolling stock appeared…
Bombardier TRAXX EU47-001 Electric Locomotive. 2024
Ustka 2024-08-29 Passenger carriages in the “push-pull” system. The “push-pull” system in Polish means to push and pull. Translating this into rail transport, it means that the driving car can be either at the beginning of the train or at the end of the train. This system is nothing new in Poland. Before World War…